It is generally known that Green Tea is packed with numerous health benefits. It also has a major reputation of assisting in weight loss. Does it deserve the hype, or is it all exaggeration?
When addressing health benefits, Green Tea can:
- Increase your metabolism
- Increase energy
- Block fat absorption
- Boost the immune system
- Promote healthier skin
- Enhance focus and mental function
- Fight the ageing process
- Promote oral health
- Protect the body against diseases
When looking closely one can clearly see weight loss issues listed along with the other health benefits. Along with giving you an extra energy boost , Green Tea stimulates the metabolism while simultaneously blocking fat absorption. Please note that there are weight loss claims about Green Tea that has not been properly and scientifically tested, but nevertheless evidence are adding up. There is certainly enough evidence to say that Green Tea is the perfect beverage as weight loss companion.
Now, let's look into the facts that are proven already...
1. Green Tea Burns Fat
Food (including sugar and fat) is synthesized into a substance called "triglyceride" in the liver and small intestine. It is then carried into the bloodstream to other tissues in the body. Triglyceride is used as source of energy for life support and physical activities and is very necessary. The problem comes about when there are excess amounts of triglyceride, because then it's turned into fat which subsequently causes obesity and weight gain. That's where Green Tea comes in... It contains hight amounts of polyphenols which activate the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving excess triglyceride. In the long run this means that Green Tea effectively aids in burning fat.
2. Green Tea Stimulates the Metabolism and Accelerates Weight Loss
Green Tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechin polyphenols that are responsible for many of the health benefits of Green Tea. One of them in particular, epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG), has been found to stimulate the metabolism and accelerate weight loss.
EGCG, along with the caffeine in Green Tea, stimulates the central nervous system and causes fat to be released into the blood stream for the body to use as fuel. This process of fat being used for energy is called "thermogenesis". You already got introduced to this term in the introduction page of the Weight Loss Challenge. Just to refresh your memory, thermogenesis is the function where the body burns calories for the heating process. It provides energy, sheds excess water and also helps to burn body fat.
(Note that large quantities of caffeine can actually slow down the metabolism but in low quantities and in combination with the benefits of Green Tea it is very effective for energy and weight loss)
3. Green Tea Helps You Exercise for Longer
Everyone knows how important exercise is to losing weight. It burns calories, increases energy and builds muscle which in turn boosts your metabolism even higher. The catechin polyphenols in Green Tea appear to stimulate the use of fatty acids by liver and muscle cells. This subsequently reduces the rate that carbohydrates are used and allows for more endurance and longer exercise times. In fact, a study using Green Tea extract on lab rats increased the amount of time the animals could swim before become exhausted by as much as 24%.
More endurance means more exercise, which means more calories burned and it all adds up to more kilo's lost!
Now, Green Tea is not the tastiest beverage on the market but there are different ways to overcome the taste and enjoy the health and weight loss benefits...
For exclusive weight loss try to use 2%, 1% or low fat milk if you can't do without it. Instead of sugar use fructose or leave out and add a slice of lemon.
If this still does not work for you but you really want to add the benefits of Green Tea to your weight loss programme, put the teabag in a cup and fill half with boiling water (if the cup is large, fill only a third) and let it stand to cool down. The tea will be strong enough in the little water if you allow to stand until a comfortable drinking temperature (about 10 minutes). Now, take big sips to finish the cup in two to three large sips in the same way you would drink bad tasting medicine. This means no milk and no sugar added but the pure benefits of Green Tea added to your diet!
Try to drink at least twice a day and if possible half an hour before exercise.