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Monday, January 10, 2011

The Value of Water

Did you know that water makes up about 60% of your total body weight?  Water is your most vital nutrient.  The National Research Council recommends approximately 8-10 glasses per day for women (2-2,5L) and 10-12 glasses a day for men (2,5-3L)

You need water for several bodily functions:

  • Every cell in your body depends on water to function properly.
  • Water is part of the chemical structure of compounds that form the cells, tissues and organs of your body.
  • Water supports your kidneys in their role in protein metabolism.
  • Water is also important for proper elimination.  Constipation can often be avoided by simply increasing one's water intake.
  • Water provides satiety value and helps one to feel full.  Scientific studies have demonstrated that people eat fewer kilojoules at meals when they make food choices which have higher water content.
  • Water is also known to help remove toxins for your system, keep your skin clearer, assist with nutrient absorption, help reduce headaches, and more!

Here are some ways to incorporate drinking more water into your day:

  • Have a glass of water upon waking in the morning.
  • Drink water with every meal, regardless of other beverages you may be drinking.
  • For every caffeinated beverage you drink, have a glass of water.  Caffeine dehydrates and can make you excrete more water than you take in.
  • Always have water readily available at your desk or workplace.
  • At home, keep a glass of water nearby and drink from it often.
  • Drink 250ml of water for every 15 minutes you exercise.

Water drinking tips!...

If you find it difficult to drink water, drink it at room temperature rather than cold.  You will find that you will be able to drink more water at room temperature than cooled water because it swallows easier.

If you are not used to the natural taste of water add a slice fresh lemon and/or mint leaf.

Get into a habit to drink water directly after you've brushed your teeth.  This will give the water a minty taste.

When going to bed, put a glass of water in your reach and every time you wake up at night, drink a few sips of water.

Drink water in stead of other beverages when watching your favourite TV shows.  You will not even notice how much water you drink while concentrating on something else!

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