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Monday, January 10, 2011


The Value of Exercise

Exercise is critically important in reaching your weight loss goals.  No matter what your age, weight, physical limitations or current level of activity.  Virtually everyone can exercise in some way.

Exercise benefits you physically, mentally and psychologically.  Now is the time to exercise your rights:  incorporate exercise into your life and reap the benefits!!

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise have many benefits.  They are:

  • Increased fat-burning capabilities and metabolic rate during and after exercise.
  • Builds cardiovascular endurance.  Can help reduce risk of plaque build-up and heart disease.
  • May help increase HDL "good" cholesterol and lower triglycerides.
  • Can help reduce risk of colon cancer.
  • Helps control blood sugar (glucose) levels, especially in those at risk of diabetes.
  • Helps improve bone density and reduce risk of osteoporosis.
  • Increases energy.
  • Improves flexibility.
  • Helps control appetite.
  • Enhances mood and helps manage stress.
  • Promotes sound sleep.
  • Promotes better overall circulation.
  • Boosts self-esteem.
  • Boosts self-confidence.
  • Helps you achieve long-term success in your weight loss goals.

Weight Loss and Exercise

Unquestionably, the best way to lose weight and keep it off is with a lifelong simple programme of regular exercise.  In fact, just a few lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on your weight loss goals!  The question can be asked, "Why exercise?"  Reducing kilojoule intake can slow down your metabolism.  Exercise keeps your metabolism in high gear and prevents your body from conserving kilojoules.

Keep it safe!

If you haven't exercised regularly in the last 2 years, or are over 40 years of age, or have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, it is imperative that you check with your doctor before starting an exercise programme.  A critical key to a successful exercise programme is to choose something that you enjoy!  Whether you walk, run, swim, hike or bike, choose activities that you look forward to doing - or a combination of them!  You also want to spend the majority of your exercise time doing aerobic exercise rather than weight training.

Walk it off

Learn to love walking.  It's a great way to burn kilojoules and improve your health.  Nearly everyone can walk.  Walk in the morning, after a meal, after work - any time.  Give up one TV show every night and walk. Instead of sitting on the couch and watching the news, listen to it on a radio (or your cell phone) while you walk.  Incorporate more walking into your everyday activities.  For example, in parking lots, don't hunt for the closest possible space, park in the outer perimeter and walk to the shop.  In malls, take the stairs in stead of the lift/escalator.  If you work in an office, get up once every hour and take a quick 2-minute jaunt.  When you get back to your desk, you'll feel refreshed.

3-Phase Exercise Programme

Exercise is a critical component of the GR2 Control Weight Loss Programme and you can choose various levels of activity.  Essentially an exercise programme can be divided into three levels and you can progress from the first level to the third as you become more proficient.

Phase 1:  Basic Motion
Increase your energy expenditure through everyday activities, for example:

  • Walk an extra 5 minutes every morning before you go into your building at work.
  • Walk an extra 5 minutes when you leave work every day.
  • Park your car in the farthest space from where you enter your place of employment, shops, post office, etc.
  • Do your own gardening.
  • Vacuum your house every day.
  • Watch one less TV program every day and use that time to walk or do something active.
  • Walk your pet every day.

Phase 2:  Lifetime Health
In conjunction with the Basic Motion programme, the Lifetime Health programme incorporates a simple exercise plan.

  • Activity:  Your choice of sport or exercise that causes your heart to work at 60-70% of capacity
  • Frequency:  2-3 times per week
  • Duration:  20-60 minutes per session
  • Intensity:  A pace or intensity that allows you to still hold a conversation, but talking is difficult.  (You would not be able to sing)

Phase 3:  Ultimate Fitness
Utilises all of the components of Lifetime Health plus:

  • Incorporate a strength training programme.  Visit a reputable health/fitness club and discuss your goals with a qualified, certified trainer.
  • Participate in a competitive sport.  There are many organised sports that provide you with wonderful ways to stay healthy, fit and social.  For instance, tennis and squash clubs, swimming, dance classes, evening cricket and volleyball leagues.

Not yet up and running?

If you aren't currently getting regular exercise, just start!  You'll feel so good about yourself, your body, and your new positive outlook, you'll want to keep it up.  Keep in mind, like any habit, it takes a few weeks to develop.  So expect a bit of personal resistance at first.  You'll be able to come up with a thousand excuses to do something else other than work our, but resist the temptation.  In a short time, exercise will become part of your life - and the pay-off will be incredible!

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